ACTSA office is located in Johannesburg at “Northwards”
– one of city’s historical landmarks designed by the renowned Sir Herbert Baker.

More about ACTSA


The Association of Corporate Treasurers of Southern Africa (ACTSA), was first formed in 1988 to provide a forum for the promotion of the common interests amongst corporate treasurers in Southern Africa. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of information beneficial to the management of corporate treasury operations and the professional development of its members.

More about ACTSA


The Association of Corporate Treasurers of Southern Africa (ACTSA), was first formed in 1988 to provide a forum for the promotion of common interests amongst corporate treasurers in Southern Africa. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of information
beneficial to the management of corporate treasury operations and the professional development of its members.

ACTSA office is located in Johannesburg at “Northwards”
– one of city’s historical landmarks designed by the renowned Sir Herbert Baker.


ACTSA aims to provide both its members and potential members with ongoing networking opportunities, exposure to international best treasury practices and a forum for the discussion of industry-specific issues.

In the fast developing world of finance, the management of an organisation’s cash flows, investments, borrowings and financial exposures is no longer left to the accountant, who may not have the necessary understanding of the risks and required management skills.

Treasury is the responsibility of trained specialists whose expertise includes financial strategy formulation, a good knowledge of investments, the management of the treasury systems and banking relationships, and the management and understanding of markets, interest and liquidity risks.

Although ACTSA’s functions are concentrated in the following regions of South Africa, Gauteng, Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, membership is open across Southern Africa and with special permission even elsewhere in the world.


ACTSA aims to facilitate a dialogue between treasurers and those in allied financial sectors, opening valuable opportunities and introducing new approaches and better solutions.

Through focused, relevant programs and activities, ACTSA members will have the opportunity to share ideas on a wide spectrum of financial situations including negotiating for better terms; corporate investment opportunities to enhance income; benefits finance; risk management; insurance; large, medium and small company issues; international issues and many more.

ACTSA’s operations include collecting, publishing and disseminating material and information relevant to the management of treasury operations, conducting and sponsoring meetings and seminars, and promoting educational activities. In addition, maintain a professional association of individuals responsible for the management of corporate treasury.

Affiliation with the International Group of Treasury Associations

ACTSA is a member of, and plays an important role in the International Group of Treasury Associations which has the following objectives:

Encourage the highest standards of professional ethics and best practice among treasury professionals world-wide.

Raise the profile of the treasury profession.

treasurers operating in the market with the lastest best practices across the globe.

Explore the development of reciprocal memberships

Encourage and establish dialogue between treasurers through our annual Journal and regular workshops and presentations with relevant subject matter.

Establish treasury benchmarks in
South Africa

Board Members

Caroline Henry

Independent Consultant

Jacques Mol

Independent Consultant

Atlasaone Khaas

Barloworld SA (Pty) Ltd

Jolandi Marais

Rand Refinery

Serena McGinn

Sappi South Africa Ltd

Riaz Muradmia


Trevor Starke


Willem Reitsma

Imperial Logistics

Ian Thompson

Woolworths Holdings Ltd

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