The financial industry faces persistent risk of cyber threats but is your compliance with Customer Security Programme (CSP) up to date? It is vital for any organisation that their defence against cyberattacks are up to date and effective, to protect the integrity of the wider financial network. Swift has established its Customer Security Programme with the aim to support the Swift community to combat these threats.
The CSP offers a set of mandatory security controls built on existing guidance and establishes a security baseline for the entire user community. To support the adoption of the security controls, Swift has developed a process that will allow the community to attest on an annual basis the adequate level of cybersecurity maturity contributing towards reducing potential new attacks, in order to deal with new and upcoming threats and to stay up to date with the latest developments in cyber security. Since 2021, this attestation must be supported by an independent assessment.
The deadline for this year’s attestation process is December 31st – have you completed your assessment?
To further unpack this topic the presenters will dicuss the following: